oil on canvas
64" x 64"
oil on canvas
64" x 64"
On Exhibit
Critical Masses, A Very Low Tide
June 17 - October 23, 2022
On Exhibit
Critical Masses, A Very Low Tide
June 17 - October 23, 2022
Lure. I love the word lure with all of its implied seduction and danger. These ones, made from mother of pearl, are especially pretty too. Their luminescent chatoyance attracted me and I'm not even a fish! I imagine them spinning through the water, irresistibly catching the light here and there, trailing the red feathers behind them like the plume of blood they were meant to imitate, the red dot a wound - easy prey. I don't know how all the fish fared, but the yellow sandshell mussels and similar species that were harvested for the mother of pearl trade (in lures, buttons and other accessories) are endangered. The floating red dot feels like a warning to me, our collective dangerous blind spot when it comes our own ravenous appetites.