
The Sky on his Back

The bluebird carries the sky on his back – Henry David Thoreau, Journal, April 3, 1852

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 9 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 1 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 2 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 7 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 8 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 5 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 3 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Pepperberry Tree 4 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the AcaciaTree 1 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the AcaciaTree 11 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Acacia Tree 10 - Marie Cameron 2014

Bluebirds in the Acacia Tree 6 - Marie Cameron 2014

So a little persistence and patience and I got my full color bluebird shots! This flock had been feeding off a pepperberry tree near Saint Luke’s, downtown Los Gatos but the light hadn’t been great when I photographed them earlier. So when the morning broke bright and sunny I took off for the parking lot and waited with the scent of cupcakes hanging in the air… and they came!

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