
Corpus Corvus

Marie Cameron with Dead Crow 2013



I ran into a crow today, or rather, I think someone else did, with a car.  And with Fur Feathers and Fins opening in just a few days at the Pacific Art League and dead birds being on my mind for a while now I just had to gently scoop it up and take it back to my studio for a closer look. Nothing compares to studying  the real thing  I was so mesmerized by the subtle iridescence playing across the black and blues of the feathers, the crow still soft and fragile.

Crow Feathers 1 Marie Cameron 2013Crow Feathers 4 Marie Cameron 2013Crow Claw Marie Cameron 2013Crow Feathers 3 Marie Cameron 2013Crow Feathers 2 Marie Cameron 2013

I’ve sculpted crows back in my art school days using leather and natural materials in a totemic stye and I’ve been recently re-inspired to try my hand at it again after being blown away by the magical work of British textile artist Mister Finch. I’ve gone so far as collecting materials for my Corpus Corvus sculptures I have in mind, vintage beaded Victorian lace, bits of jewelry, scapulars and reliquaries. The closed eyes of the crow I was photographing looked so sad that I laid one of my gathered bits over them.

Corpus Corvus 2 Marie Cameron 2013

Corpus Corvus 1 Marie Cameron 2013

I was startled when the rhinestone caught the light and shot out unexpected rays of color at me.

Corpus Corvus REd Marie Cameron 2013        Corpus Corvus Blue Marie Cameron 2013         Corpus Corvus Orange Marie Cameron 201        Corpus Corvus Green Marie Cameron 2013     Corpus Corvus YellowMarie Cameron 2013.jpg

Not that I want to be know as the crazy dead bird lady, but if you should find a hummingbird in this unfortunate state, please let me know. I would like to study it for a painting I have in mind.



  1. Betty Cameron says:

    Truly inspired in every aspect.

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