happiness is…………………………………………………………….a big blue sky.
happiness is………………………….dancing through a field of buttercups.
happiness is………………………………………………………..a vast blue ocean.
happiness is………………………………………..a bright bouquet of balloons.
happiness is………………………………………….sun shining though the fog.
happiness is ……………………………………………….most decidedly, yellow.
Happiness is……………………..spending a beautiful day at the shore with my camera and my favorite model!
Amazing colors, stunning movement!
Thanks Pam! It’s so fun to play with color! As complimentary colors, the yellow and purple intensify each other. The dancer and the balloons act to animate the already charged landscape. What a joy to shoot!
We’re all easily caught up in the pure joy of dancing through this field of, as you say aptly, “decidedly YELLOW”, as if we were twirling the light fantastic right along side of this obviously trained graceful ballet dancer.
SPRINGTIME has arrived in northern CA., with among many, these very cheerful blooms in this immense field.
Are they harvested to some good use, herbal or medicinal.??—Looks so much like our & many area’s fields of rape seed for canola oil.
These Bermuda buttercups are actually invasive bulbs that are slightly noxious (causing kidney stones in cattle). They are also known as Oxalis pes-caprae, African wood-sorrel, Bermuda sorrel, Buttercup oxalis, Cape sorrel, English weed, Goat’s-foot, Sourgrass, Soursob and Soursop. I believe the field is just lying fallow this year.