Finally painting with the LGAA Plein Air Painters and I couldn’t have picked a better day in cute as a button Capitola with it’s easter egg assortment of tiny beach condos from the 1920s. I’ve been wanting to paint these for years! Such a great group of talented painters – I look forward to getting out with them regularly!
Sam Pearson on the far side of the river.
That’s me under those shades and cap – a wonder that anyone recognized me!
I chose to work with this view of the Venetian Court and river cropped by this diagonal of rocks.
If you’re thinking, wow that easel looks brand new…then you’d be right. It collapses down to a portable little wooden briefcase – I love it!
Seems like a lot of gulls (a pretty good reflection going on there)!
Color just feels like a party!
Kathy Carlquist and Rick Guidice.
View south to Moss Landing.
Tabitha Boone Jacobson.
Where the river meets the ocean.
LGAA Pleain Air Painters lunching at Gayle’s Bakery where Al Shamble and Herschel Abelman had their Capitola En Plein Air 2015 paintings on exhibit. I think there were 15 of us painting today some had to leave earlier or wanted to stay longer.
Al Shamble had Taken 2nd place at this event for this lovely painting!
Herschel Ableman’s beautiful painting is on the left.