Good Luck Bamboo (& Teacup)

Found a perfect bundle for the little bamboo demitasse I had waiting in my studio (like so many other vintage teacups I have, just waiting for their flower to come into bloom so I can take their picture in some dramatic light and pair them up with a matching bird – all so I can paint a picture).

Good Luck Bamboo Teacup

This three stemmed lucky bamboo symbolizes happiness, long life and wealth.

Bamboo isn’t the typical Victorian flower I like choose for these teacups but I’m feeling freshly inspired my recent visit to the National Botanical Gardens in Kauai with their gorgeous bamboo groves.


I think I’ll pair this teacup with the lovely little Japanese White Eye birds I spotted there. Can you see it hanging on to the bottom of the bougainvillea? It’s a lovely shade of chartreuse which should be a vibrant counterpoint to the cerise teacup, its endearing white ring around it’s eye echoes the rim of the teacup too!

Japanese White Eye