Palace of Fine Arts

In a recent post I visited the The Hunger Games: The Exhibition at the Palace of Fine Arts, this time I thought I’d focus on the gorgeous building itself.  Initially constructed by California architect Bernard Maybeck for San Francisco’s World Fair in 1915 on reclaimed bay land, the building has since seen earthquakes and reconstructions and has been used for many different purposes. The Innovation Hangar currently hoses hands-on educational activities and amazing exhibitions from major institutions such as Bay Area Discovery MuseumKaboomSmithsonian’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and InnovationMaker Media and Wearable World Technologies, there has been talk of converting it to a restaurant and other ideas. I don’t know what the future holds for this stunning place but it’s a very special landmark that should be open to everyone to stroll though and admire the architecture and fountain and swan pond, to be inspired by its beauty and grandeur!

Palace of Fine Arts 1 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 4 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 2 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 5 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 13 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 12 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 6 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 7 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 10 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts Swan - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts Swan Reflection - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts Swan Blue Water - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts 9 - Marie Cameron 2016

Palace of Fine Arts Reader - Marie Cameron 2015