
Exchange Day

Exchange day at the Gallery is always a lot of fun – out with the old and in with the new!  I brought in Lily of the Valley with Cows, Rose Mandalas III  & IV, Hybrid Tea Rose I, Rose Bud I and Rose Petals I. So great to see what everybody else was bringing in and there’s more coming tomorrow too! Our hanging committee will work on installing the pieces clear through Sunday. Hanging salon style is a challenging and interesting process – I’m sure they could give the home decorator lots of tips about what works and what doesn’t when combining such different styles and media. You could go in and watch them – it’s like a chess match!

Chris Dok's painting in the front window Gallery Exchange Day - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Chris Dok’s palette knife floral still life in the window.

Gallery Exchange Day- Bringing in my work - photo Donna Orme 2013

Me with my paintings,  Lily of the Valley with Cows and Rose Mandala IV.

Gallery Exchange Day - Lily of the Valley with Cows temporarily located on the main wall - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Lily of the Valley with Cows is looking good on the main wall, at least for now. The hanging crew must shift work around a lot before everything works together.

Gallery Exchange Sign In Desk - photo Marie Cameron 2013.jpg

We must sign in and out all of our work – we may not be high tech but we’re thorough!

Gallery Exchange Day - photo Marie Cameron 2013

We are welcoming a handful of new member artists this exchange – very exciting!

Gallery Exchange Day  paintings coming and going - photo Marie Cameron 2013.jpg

I particularly enjoy these paintings on the floor by new member Stacey Pollard.

Gallery Exchange Day - Jeff Owen's sculpture- photo Marie Cameron 2013

Here’s one of Jeff Owen‘s sculptures. The robin’s egg blue ball caught in the branches of the tree is quite lovely!

Gallery Exchange Day - Belinda Lima's new work- photo Marie Cameron 2013

I see Belinda Lima is bringing in one of her great collages – cropped bridge, cat and woman, intriguing – I need a better look!

The work will on exhibit from November 19 – January 24, (art that sells through will be replaced). Our fabulous Holiday Reception is Thursday December 5, 6-8:30 pm – always a well attended, festive affair!

  1. Betty Cameron says:

    Some very nice additions, & new artists, too. Great. I Love seeing the area with the more diminutive paintings each year, near to the Holidays they make for excellent ART gifts. Could you photograph this area, love to see what everyone who brought “smaller gems”, like your single Roses, all grouped together, appearing like ornaments on the festive tree-wall. THANKS. BE

  2. mariecameron says:

    I will as soon as it’s up!

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