Champagne and Chocolate LGMG

We held a champagne and chocolate reception at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery on Sunday to usher in the new hang. It’s a great way to see the new work and meet the new artists that have joined our ranks!

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015- A.d. Ballantyne - Mother's Teacup - oil - detail

Here’s a lovely detail from A.D. Ballantyne’s oil, Mother’s Teacup, one of our newest member artists.

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

I love when life imitates art, in this case artist Rebex Nie was visiting the gallery wearing what could almost have been one of our member artist, Belinda Lima’s, collage paintings!

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

LGMG - Champagne and Chocolate 2015

We should really do this every Sunday! Actually, next Sunday from 3-6 pm Marie Pascal, our featured artist for August, will be hosting a reception for her exquisite watercolors which are hung on this central display above. Her works are so moving they literally brought one lovely visitor to tears. She’s just that good!


Joyeux Noël!

A lovely evening of art, wine, hors d’oeuvres and great company at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s holiday reception! It’s so nice to spend the evening with all our local member artists and our fabulous art loving community!

LGMG Holiday Reception - from Joyeux Noel by Johane Amirault

The holiday reception invitation was based on a detail from the painting, Joyeux Noël by one of new member artists, Johane Amirault’s. Her vibrant, (usually) abstract work is a welcome addition to the gallery!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Front Door

I love the way the community comes our to celebrate with us every year!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Belinda Lima

The tree was hung with the small treasure paintings, proceeds of which are earmarked for our party fund! Looks like member artist Belinda Lima is working the desk.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Ed Lucey and Ellen Howard

Member artists Ellen Howard (who’s new to the gallery this year with her beautiful oil landscapes) and Ed Lucey chatting in the corner.

Member artist Veronica Gross conversing with quests in this corner.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Shanna and Lisa

I love when this kind of thing happens, I had gone over to complement this woman on her fabulous taste (loved her vintage style) only to find out that she was the very person who now owns the folding screen that is in the background of my painting Feathers! Her friend, Lisa, had discovered this the month before when she was admiring my painting and brought her to the reception. It was a blast to talk with Shanna and Lisa, who are both portrait lovers, and to hear their fabulous stories of the portraits in their lives. I felt like I was finding members of my tribe!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Tom Yacoe, Mary Ann Henderson, Carole Rafferty

Member artists Mary Ann Henderson and Carole Rafferty talking with artist Tom Yacoe.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Larry Arzie

Larry Arzie with guests by the small treasures tree.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Kevin Kasik

Is that member artist Kevin Kasik on the left (I’m not sure as  it looks like he’s traded his standard page boy for a holiday fedora)?

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Julia Watson, Nancy deWeess

Member artists Julia Watson and Nancy deWeess looking to thank co-owners Larry Arzie and David Stonesifer for all they do to make this great gallery possible!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Julia Watson

Thanks too to Julia Watson, member artist and part time manager of our gallery for all her hard work making this year a very successful one!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Sandi Okita

Member artist Sandi Okita who has some beautiful portraits on exhibit.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Back Door

Thanks to everyone who turned out and to those who volunteered to make this a such a nice event!


Kevin Kasik – Myriad of Moods

Kevin Kasik is Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s Featured Artist for October and his opening reception for his show “Myriad of Moods” was today – I had to go as I have some skin in the game!

Kevin Kasik - Parade Colors - Opening Reception


I love Kevin Kasik’s oil paintings!  His works appear to very soft and subdued until you get up close and discover the rich riot of color and texture in the paint. His subject matter ranges from traditional landscapes, still-lifes and portraits to more contemporary subjects from street life, often imbuing the work with his own quirky sense of humor. When he asked me for a hand with his postcard in trade for a painting it was too easy to say you bet! I want to choose after his exhibition is over though – a sale is a sale after-all!

Kevin Kasik - Camper Vans

Camper Vans

You can’t feel uptight around Kevin – He’s out to enjoy himself  and hopes that you will too!

Kevin Kasik - Practice Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Paintings were  being scooped up really fast!

Kevin Kasik - Sail Boats

Blue Boats


Kevin Kasik - Bird

Stunned Bird

As much as I love landscapes and seascapes and yes, birds, my very favorites were these cast-off street sofas , contemporary Vuillards! Maybe I’ll get lucky!

Kevin Kasik - Streetside Sofa

Sidewalk Sofa


Kevin Kasik - Abondoned Chairs

Sidewalk Tango


Kevin Kasik - Craigslist


Kevin Kasik - LGMG October Featured Artist

Parade  Colors

The show runs all of October with a Closing Reception, Thursday, October 30, 4-8 pm.

Art Walk

A little wine, a little walk, a lot of art…once a month downtown Los Gatos has been holding an art walk where merchants hosting local artists sport orange and while balloons. I caught it last night, (as a guest, not a participant) it was a lot of fun and a great success!

Julia Watson was featured at Cover Story exhibiting her floral oil paintings.

Julia Watson at Cover Story - Art Walk

Julia's Roses - Art Walk

Julia's Hollyhocks - Art Walk


Jeanne Tillman was at Harvest with her paper cast bows and leaves.

Jeanne Tillman at Harvest  - Art Walk

Jeanne Tillman at Harvest - Art Walk


Carol Bower was showing acrylic and Pastel paintings at Harvest.

Carol Bower at Harvest - Art Walk

Carol Bower's Pastel at Harvest - Art Walk


Tom Yacoe‘s serene landscapes were featured at Jco’s Place.

Jco's Place - Art Walk 2014

Tom Yacoe at Jco's Place - Art Walk

Marie Cameron and Tom Yacoe at Jco's Place (Smedt, Yacoe, di Pietro, Owens)


Will Maller did a beautiful oil painting demo at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery.

Will Maller LGMG Art Walk


I even came away with a lovely painting of Carol Bower’s that I could’t resist!

Potted Plant 4 - Carol Bower

Potted Plant 4 by Carol Bower

There were lots of other artists and shops that I didn’t get to  but there’s always next month!

New Work at the Gallery

New work was just hung at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery and it looks great! I’ll take you for a quick spin with my camera, but you really must go in to see it in person as my photos do not do any of the work justice!

Flourish at Los Gatos Museums Gallery

We’re located at 24 N. Santa Cruz Avenue in Los Gatos, California we’re open Tuesday through Friday: 10-5:30, Saturday: 10-5 and Sunday: 11- 3. The next art exchange will take place at the end of April.

Studio visit with Veronica Gross

I love visiting artists in their working and living spaces! You can learn so much about what shapes their art from their environment. What’s in their personal collections?  What inspirational objects and materials do they have lying about? What are their hobbies, and passions – it’s all revealed!

Veronica and Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013


Artist Veronica Gross and Olive enjoying the winter sun on my recent studio visit. You can visit her website:

Sentinel Snow - Veronica Gross- watercolor- 20 x 14

Sentinel Snow  watercolor  20″ x 14″

Los Gatos artist Veronica Gross is known for her beautiful watercolor florals and landscapes. I know Veronica from the Los Gatos Museums Gallery and the Los Gatos Art Association, but she also belongs to the Viewpoints Gallery where her show, Westlands is currently on exhibit through January 5, 2014.

Veronica Gross - Watercolor 2

Mt. Carmel Evening  watercolor  20″ x  28″

Palo Alto Baylands 3 - Veronica Gross- Watercolor -14 x 20

Palo Alto Baylands #3  watercolor 14 x 20″

Veronica Gross -Watercolor

Just Picked  watercolor  20″ x  28″

Veronica Gross's watercolor of Sam Pearson Painting - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Above is a watercolor that Veronica is applying the final touches to. It’s a plein air painting of our friend Sam Pearson painting the Shoreline Bridge. I’m intrigued to see how his piece turned out too!

Shoreline Bridge - Sam Pearson - Pastel - 2013

Magic…. here it is, Sam Pearson’s gorgeous pastel, Water Under the  Bridge – Thanks Sam! It’s currently on exhibit at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery.

Veronica Gross Studio - photo Marie Cameron 2013

You can see in her studio how all those big windows not only let the light come in but nature too!

Veronica Gross - at the easel - photo Marie Cameron 2103             Veronica Gross - lesson plans- photo Marie Cameron 2013          Veronica and her sister glazing tiles Veronica and Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

I love how you can see lots of different projects Veronica has on the go, and see all those lesson plans from years of teaching high school hiding under the table? They’ve come in handy as weights!  Veronica’s sister, Jill Rowney is glazing  some of Veronica’s tiles for her own kitchen – oh the perks of being a sister!

Veronica Gross and her sister in the studio Veronica and Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Veronica Gross - brushes and sclupture - photo Marie Cameron 2013                         Veronica Gross - studio clutter - photo Marie Cameron 2013

One can usually find lots of treasure in studio clutter. In this case, it’s a ceramic figure done as a demonstration for Veronica’s high school students by Randy Shiroma who was doing some student teaching in her classroom many years ago.

Upon visiting her home and her studio I find, as with so many artists, that she’s no one trick watercolor pony!

For instance, she has this great kiln and I was taken with the series of tiles she was making which are based on her love of California natives (as is her landscaping).

Veronica's glazed tiles ready for firing - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Here are some of the tiles glazed and ready for the kiln.  If you haven’t glazed before, the heat of the firing brings out the color in the glaze and sets the desired finish. I’m partial to the lupines!

Veronica Gross - Tiles, Brushes and Glaze - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Veronica Gross - Floral Tiles - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Here you can see the color after firing.

Lupine Tile by Veronica Gross - photo Marie Cameron 2013  .Veronica Gross - Floral Tile backsplash - photo Marie Cameron 2013California Landscape tile by Veronica Gross - photo by Marie Cameron 2013

Here are some samples of finished tiles set into Veronica’s backsplash. So lovely, they remind me of the arts crafts movement of the 20’s Don’t go looking for these in galleries or Etsy though!  Veronica has no plans of mass production. When I ‘d asked her about it she confessed, “I can’t stand the feel of clay on my hands!” – too funny!  I mean, you won’t cathc me warking with charcoal or pastels for the same reason! What about licensing deals? Well, we’ll have to twist her arm!

Veronica Gross- inspiration board - photo Marie Cameron 2103            Veronica Gross- lobotomy victim 1- photo Marie Cameron 2013           Veronica Gross - Inherited Deer - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Balloon Girl, Mr Bonz, Mid-Century Bambi – they all speak to a love of color, form and careful observation.

Veronica Gross and Olive in the Studio - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Veronica Gross - in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

With a fence like that you can tell that an artist lives here!

Veronica's Karen Van Galder statue            Veronica in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013            Veronica's willow chair

The garden is also filled with Veronica’s personality, A Karen Van Galder statue, a bent willow chair among the bamboo, her naturally weathered fence and wheelbarrow – it’a all her color palette, including her gorgeous calico!

Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Olive is a fan of California natives as well and all the little critters that dwell therein.

Disclosure: I’m sure Veronica doesn’t normally lug Olive all over the studio but I woke her up from under the Christmas tree where she was curled up for a nap because I wanted her to be in the photo shoot – what a sweet trooper!


Fa la la la la….Holiday Reception Tonight!

LGMG Postcard Holiday Reception 2013 web

Join us at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery for our Holiday reception tonight from 6-8:30! We’re located at 24 N Santa Cruz Avenue, downtown Los Gatos (across from the Apple Store). With over 50 member artist and lots of holiday refreshments this annual event is always a blast (That’s my Lily of the Valley with Cows in the lower right hand corner)!

Marie Cameron with Painting Trimmed Tree - LGMG 2013

The tree is trimmed and the party ready to go! Every year we cover our little tree with $100. paintings. It’s co cute! I have my roses there.

LGMG 2013

We have recently welcomed a number of new artists to the gallery so be sure to check out the new work!

Exchange Day

Exchange day at the Gallery is always a lot of fun – out with the old and in with the new!  I brought in Lily of the Valley with Cows, Rose Mandalas III  & IV, Hybrid Tea Rose I, Rose Bud I and Rose Petals I. So great to see what everybody else was bringing in and there’s more coming tomorrow too! Our hanging committee will work on installing the pieces clear through Sunday. Hanging salon style is a challenging and interesting process – I’m sure they could give the home decorator lots of tips about what works and what doesn’t when combining such different styles and media. You could go in and watch them – it’s like a chess match!

Chris Dok's painting in the front window Gallery Exchange Day - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Chris Dok’s palette knife floral still life in the window.

Gallery Exchange Day- Bringing in my work - photo Donna Orme 2013

Me with my paintings,  Lily of the Valley with Cows and Rose Mandala IV.

Gallery Exchange Day - Lily of the Valley with Cows temporarily located on the main wall - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Lily of the Valley with Cows is looking good on the main wall, at least for now. The hanging crew must shift work around a lot before everything works together.

Gallery Exchange Sign In Desk - photo Marie Cameron 2013.jpg

We must sign in and out all of our work – we may not be high tech but we’re thorough!

Gallery Exchange Day - photo Marie Cameron 2013

We are welcoming a handful of new member artists this exchange – very exciting!

Gallery Exchange Day  paintings coming and going - photo Marie Cameron 2013.jpg

I particularly enjoy these paintings on the floor by new member Stacey Pollard.

Gallery Exchange Day - Jeff Owen's sculpture- photo Marie Cameron 2013

Here’s one of Jeff Owen‘s sculptures. The robin’s egg blue ball caught in the branches of the tree is quite lovely!

Gallery Exchange Day - Belinda Lima's new work- photo Marie Cameron 2013

I see Belinda Lima is bringing in one of her great collages – cropped bridge, cat and woman, intriguing – I need a better look!

The work will on exhibit from November 19 – January 24, (art that sells through will be replaced). Our fabulous Holiday Reception is Thursday December 5, 6-8:30 pm – always a well attended, festive affair!

Just Ducky

Some days seem to have a theme going on – today it was ducks!

This morning I was working at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery as the Staffing Artist.

Todays Staffing Artist Marie Cameron 2013

It was first time since the new hanging that I’ve had the time to really pour over all the new work. I came across Linda Smythe’s ducks –  I so adore her painterly approach to her subject matter (often roses) nice and loose and buttery brush strokes! I  really enjoyed how she captured the boyant charm of the ducks with a minium of fuss and detail – No eyes but lots of great texture and those cheery orange beaksl

Linda Smythe's Duck Pond - oil at LGMG 2013

After my shift I wandered into Bunches, a fabulous little flower shop in Los Gatos. This place always puts me in a great mood and it’s not just the bouquets of magnicent blooms and the lovely people, but also because of Pete, this quacking cutie who can shake a tail feather with the best of them!

Pete at Bunches Marie Cameron 2013


Pete at Bunches Marie Cameron 2013


I had actually gone into the flower shop after my shift at the gallery to ask a gorgeous woman who works there if she would let me photograph her among the gargantuan dinner plate dahlias for a painting. It’s always an odd thing to ask of someone you don’t know, but at least I had a business card with my painting  of Blue Corse) on the front (a portrait of the woman who works in the knitting shop above the gallery just stone’s throw away). I guess I didn’t come across as a crazy person because she was game (she even wore the bright yellow gloves she had on for cleaning up after Pete) and I now have FANTASTIC reference photos for my next portrait in what I’m thinking might be my Shop Girl series.

Yellow Gloves and Dahlias - Bunches Marie Cameron 2013

“Girls” may not be accurate as I’m also eyeing the guy who works at the Whole Foods Fish counter with the great tatoos. I might hit up Icing on the Cake (cup cakes) and Frank (eclectic art, jewelry and garden salvage) too for more great models – really there’s no shortage of interesting, beautiful people who work in Los Gatos! I love when portraits have an environment which serves to inform the viewer about the person portrayed. Maybe I should paint Pete too!

Pete on One Foot - Bunches Marie Cameron 2013

Champagne Receptions Snaps

Lots lots of lovely people at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s champagne reception yesterday, including Carol Ann Graves, one of my favorite art patrons! You’d hardly know that the huge Saratoga Rotary Art Show was going on just down the way. I guess there are enough art lovers to go around. Not only that but it was Cinco de Mayo and the Sharks were playing the Canucks on home ice so we did really well in terms of turn out, not that you’re going to see that in my pictures – my crowd shots were full of backs and bags!

Full Bloom 2010 oil on canvas 24" x 24"Artist Marie Cameron and patron of the arts Carol Ann Graves 

Marin Hills 2010 oIl on canvas Marie Cameron

My paintings Full Bloom and Marin Hills, above, are on exhibit at the gallery for the next few months. I’ll be showing the rest of my oeuvre in Open Studios on the 18 & 19.

Artists Nancy deWeess, Deborah Gabris & Marie Cameron - LGMG

To check out Deborah’s sculptures click on the photo for her website.

I love this – it turns out long time member watercolorist Nancy deWees, new member sculptor Deborah Gabris and l all live on the same street!

Artists Jeanette Turkus & Kee

To visit Jeanette Turkus’s website click on the photo.

Member artist Jeanette Trurkus in front of her collaged painting with interior designer and artist Kee Jin who I just met the Los Gatos Art Association’s Spring Show where she was awarded honorable mention for her delicate drawing of an interior.

Artist Tom Yacoe

Tom Yacoe is another welcome new member to our gallery, I love the immediacy and freshness of his paintings, how he captures a seascape with minimal, confident brushstrokes.

Champagne Reception Today

Los Gatos Museums Gallery Champagne Reception


Get your bubbles on with me at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery today from 1-3 at 24 N Santa Cruz Avenue in Los Gatos where I’ll have Full Bloom and Marin Hills on exhibit. We’ve welcomed in a host of new artists too!

The Saratoga Rotary Art Show is also on today
which claims to be “the largest and finest one day art show in the west”. They have a wine tasting.

So much to see and drink in our corner of the valley!

Reception Thanks

The best part of exhibiting is meeting with everyone that has come out to support me and check out the new work, seeing friends and clients and making new connections! It’s not just a social event but a real opportunity to see how people relate to the work, it’s really quite a privilege!

Thanks to everyone who was able to take some time out of their weekend to swing by, for the gift of home made ice cream sandwiches, the sprig of mimosa, and most of all your warm response and interest!

Cypress Rock at Los Gatos Museums Gallery

Cypress Rock at my Featured Artist reception at Los Gatos Museums Gallery

Reception Friends

Marie Hetherington brought delicious hand made ice cream sandwiches!

Reception Friends 2

Showing new work to dear friends (& art supporters).

Reception Pam & Marie

Happy to see arty blogster,  Pam Prentice!

Reception Larry Azrie and guests

Larry Azrie,  co-owner of the gallery,  introducing me to guests.

Reception Guests

The gallery is in the middle of downtown Los Gatos gets great foot traffic!

Third Reception Marie Cameron & my fab framer Dan Edwards

Here I am with my fab framer Dan Edwards whose shop is below the gallery.

Third Reception - Carol Ann and David

I always love talking with David and Carol Ann who have a number of my works in their collection.

Third Reception - new young fan

New fan Sophia was kind enough to ask permission to take pictures,   I asked her too!

Third Reception - Checking it out

Beyond the free standing painting display and allotted wall space I was able to set up a number of easels around the rooms and windows for the receptions.

Third Reception Marie Cameron with artists Joan Drennan and Pat Sherwood

Member artists Joan Drennan and Pat Sherwood lending a hand. Thank you ladies!

Shannon and Blue Corset

Painting Shannon’s likeness is a colorful moving target!

Odessa's Kitchen Floors Reception

Odessa’s Kitchen Floors were arrayed on easels on one of the gallery’s antiques.

Marie and Lynn LGMG

So great to see Lynn with her discerning eye and green thumb! I’m honored that she’s included a number of my works in her collection!

Gifts from D.C. Thanks, Jess, Makena & Zenia

I didn’t get to go to the inauguration, with my receptions and all but Jess, Makena and Zenia did – thanks for the souvenirs!

Painting meet iPhone case!

My dear friend Jess,  who has several of my originals,  now sports a gorgeous reproduction on her iPhone!

Cherry Blossom Spray on Jess's iphone

What to you think, should I be branching out? 

Marie Cameron Blooming Orchard 2010

My painting, Blooming Orchard, was purchased by collectors from Monte Sereno!

Featured Artist Installation

I am now officially installed as the Featured Artist at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery. I will be holding four mini-receptions each Sunday in January from 1- 3 pm where I will be showing additional work on easels and serving light refreshments. Hope to see you there!

LGMG Featured Artist Installation Cherry Blossoms Marie Cameron 2012

Installing my Cherry Blossoms Paintings at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery

LGMG FA installation Montaña de Oro Marie Cameron 2012

Seeing if Montaña de Oro fits on the panel with my other seascapes (and persimmon) paintings.

LGMG FA installation with Sam Pearson - Marie Cameron 2012

Talking with pastel artist Sam Pearson who heads up the Featured Artist project at the gallery.


LGMG Featured Artist installation Persimmon Tangle Marie Cameron 2012

Hanging Persimmon Tangle with the seascapes on the basis of color.

Ripe Persimmons

Persimmon Tree - Picchetti photo Marie Cameron 2012

Picchettti persimmon tree ornamented with ripe fruit, photo Marie Cameron 2012.

The storms have past, stripping persimmon trees of all their leaves, leaving their fruit dangling naked and ripe for all to see. This tree at Picchetti tempts hiking visitors to wade through poison oak and blackberry brambles to see it they can pocket a few. Picking wild fruit is a primal urge my mother and father-in-law and son couldn’t pass up while on a family hike over Thanksgiving. While they didn’t harvest many (two actually) they were all the sweeter for the effort!

Persimmons are not only decorating trees all over the valley but hanging on gallery walls too! Here are two great works currently on exhibit at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery by member artists, Susan Elwart Hall ( and Betty Turrentine McGuire.

Stages of Life oil painting by Susan Elwart Hall - photo Marie Cameron 2012

Stages of Life oil painting by Susan Elwart Hall – Los Gatos Museums Gallery

Persimmons oil painting by Betty Turrentine McGuire photo by Marie Cameron 2012

Persimmons oil painting by Betty Turrentine McGuire – Los Gatos Museums Gallery

So, what to do with this abundance of persimmons?  The Fuyu (above) can be eaten like an apple but with the softer Hachiya I like to make persimmon chutney which is especially delicious with duck!

  • Persimmon Chutney:
  • 1/4 c chopped onion
  • 1/4 c apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 c sugar
  • 1/4 c lemon juice
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp grated lemon peel
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • 6 peeled ripe Hachiya persimmons
  • Reduce all ingredients over medium heat adding persimmons at the end.