Holiday Reception – LGMG

A very festive Holiday Reception at Los Gatos Museum Gallery last night. Champagne, wine and tapas, many artists, friends, patrons and lots and lots of art!

Tom Yacoe, Marie Cameron, Danielle Dufayet

Stacey Nussbaum

Marie Pascal

David Stonesifer, Ellen Howard and Carole Rafferty

Katy Kindig, Donna Orme

Veronica Gross

Joan Drennan and her patron.

Ellen Howard and Belinda Lima

Pinot making friends with Karen Van Galder’s cat sculpture (realistic enough to growl at earlier).

Santa Baby…..

Silicon Valley Small Art 2015

Tonight there was a reception at the Vargas Gallery for Silicon Valley Small Art 2015 which includes the work of artists Carmen Almlie-Martinez, Lynette Cook, Goran Konjevod, Dee Hooker, Diane Kreiter, Terry Kreiter, Won Ly, Adele Seltzer,  Beth Shields, Peter Taber, Corinne Whitaker, Sheila Winner, and Tom Yacoe.

I knew my friend Tom Yacoe was in the show and I was eager to see his beautiful work. His acrylic paintings, Sierra Runoff, Russian River 3, and Seaside Looking South are on exhibit.

Tom Yacoe – Seaside Looking South – Acrylic on Canvas

I was happy to see Lynette Cook exhibiting as well, showing her oil paintings, I Can See Forever, City Geometry, It’s Always Time For Peace. The detail!

Lynette Cook – City Geometry – Oil on MDF

I asked Lynette Cook to show me the catalogue from her joint exhibit with her mother -“Mother & Daughter” – paintings and textiles on exhibit in Baltimore and coming to Stanford Spaces in May.

D. Hooker‘s mixed media pieces with Curator, Lynne Todaro.

D. Hooker’s mixed media on cigar boxes – so playful!

Goran Konjavad – folded paper.

A peek only of the very interesting 3D printed sculpture Jive by Corinne Whitaker.

Silicon Valley Small Art 2015  at the Vargas Gallery in the Gillmor Center at Mission College will run until December 19.

Joyeux Noël!

A lovely evening of art, wine, hors d’oeuvres and great company at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s holiday reception! It’s so nice to spend the evening with all our local member artists and our fabulous art loving community!

LGMG Holiday Reception - from Joyeux Noel by Johane Amirault

The holiday reception invitation was based on a detail from the painting, Joyeux Noël by one of new member artists, Johane Amirault’s. Her vibrant, (usually) abstract work is a welcome addition to the gallery!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Front Door

I love the way the community comes our to celebrate with us every year!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Belinda Lima

The tree was hung with the small treasure paintings, proceeds of which are earmarked for our party fund! Looks like member artist Belinda Lima is working the desk.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Ed Lucey and Ellen Howard

Member artists Ellen Howard (who’s new to the gallery this year with her beautiful oil landscapes) and Ed Lucey chatting in the corner.

Member artist Veronica Gross conversing with quests in this corner.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Shanna and Lisa

I love when this kind of thing happens, I had gone over to complement this woman on her fabulous taste (loved her vintage style) only to find out that she was the very person who now owns the folding screen that is in the background of my painting Feathers! Her friend, Lisa, had discovered this the month before when she was admiring my painting and brought her to the reception. It was a blast to talk with Shanna and Lisa, who are both portrait lovers, and to hear their fabulous stories of the portraits in their lives. I felt like I was finding members of my tribe!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Tom Yacoe, Mary Ann Henderson, Carole Rafferty

Member artists Mary Ann Henderson and Carole Rafferty talking with artist Tom Yacoe.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Larry Arzie

Larry Arzie with guests by the small treasures tree.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Kevin Kasik

Is that member artist Kevin Kasik on the left (I’m not sure as  it looks like he’s traded his standard page boy for a holiday fedora)?

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Julia Watson, Nancy deWeess

Member artists Julia Watson and Nancy deWeess looking to thank co-owners Larry Arzie and David Stonesifer for all they do to make this great gallery possible!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Julia Watson

Thanks too to Julia Watson, member artist and part time manager of our gallery for all her hard work making this year a very successful one!

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Sandi Okita

Member artist Sandi Okita who has some beautiful portraits on exhibit.

LGMG Holiday Reception 2014 - Back Door

Thanks to everyone who turned out and to those who volunteered to make this a such a nice event!


Art Walk

A little wine, a little walk, a lot of art…once a month downtown Los Gatos has been holding an art walk where merchants hosting local artists sport orange and while balloons. I caught it last night, (as a guest, not a participant) it was a lot of fun and a great success!

Julia Watson was featured at Cover Story exhibiting her floral oil paintings.

Julia Watson at Cover Story - Art Walk

Julia's Roses - Art Walk

Julia's Hollyhocks - Art Walk


Jeanne Tillman was at Harvest with her paper cast bows and leaves.

Jeanne Tillman at Harvest  - Art Walk

Jeanne Tillman at Harvest - Art Walk


Carol Bower was showing acrylic and Pastel paintings at Harvest.

Carol Bower at Harvest - Art Walk

Carol Bower's Pastel at Harvest - Art Walk


Tom Yacoe‘s serene landscapes were featured at Jco’s Place.

Jco's Place - Art Walk 2014

Tom Yacoe at Jco's Place - Art Walk

Marie Cameron and Tom Yacoe at Jco's Place (Smedt, Yacoe, di Pietro, Owens)


Will Maller did a beautiful oil painting demo at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery.

Will Maller LGMG Art Walk


I even came away with a lovely painting of Carol Bower’s that I could’t resist!

Potted Plant 4 - Carol Bower

Potted Plant 4 by Carol Bower

There were lots of other artists and shops that I didn’t get to  but there’s always next month!

Champagne Receptions Snaps

Lots lots of lovely people at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s champagne reception yesterday, including Carol Ann Graves, one of my favorite art patrons! You’d hardly know that the huge Saratoga Rotary Art Show was going on just down the way. I guess there are enough art lovers to go around. Not only that but it was Cinco de Mayo and the Sharks were playing the Canucks on home ice so we did really well in terms of turn out, not that you’re going to see that in my pictures – my crowd shots were full of backs and bags!

Full Bloom 2010 oil on canvas 24" x 24"Artist Marie Cameron and patron of the arts Carol Ann Graves 

Marin Hills 2010 oIl on canvas Marie Cameron

My paintings Full Bloom and Marin Hills, above, are on exhibit at the gallery for the next few months. I’ll be showing the rest of my oeuvre in Open Studios on the 18 & 19.

Artists Nancy deWeess, Deborah Gabris & Marie Cameron - LGMG

To check out Deborah’s sculptures click on the photo for her website.

I love this – it turns out long time member watercolorist Nancy deWees, new member sculptor Deborah Gabris and l all live on the same street!

Artists Jeanette Turkus & Kee

To visit Jeanette Turkus’s website click on the photo.

Member artist Jeanette Trurkus in front of her collaged painting with interior designer and artist Kee Jin who I just met the Los Gatos Art Association’s Spring Show where she was awarded honorable mention for her delicate drawing of an interior.

Artist Tom Yacoe

Tom Yacoe is another welcome new member to our gallery, I love the immediacy and freshness of his paintings, how he captures a seascape with minimal, confident brushstrokes.