Holiday Reception – LGMG

A very festive Holiday Reception at Los Gatos Museum Gallery last night. Champagne, wine and tapas, many artists, friends, patrons and lots and lots of art!

Tom Yacoe, Marie Cameron, Danielle Dufayet

Stacey Nussbaum

Marie Pascal

David Stonesifer, Ellen Howard and Carole Rafferty

Katy Kindig, Donna Orme

Veronica Gross

Joan Drennan and her patron.

Ellen Howard and Belinda Lima

Pinot making friends with Karen Van Galder’s cat sculpture (realistic enough to growl at earlier).

Santa Baby…..

Rainy Day at the Studio

After four years of drought, it looks like were finally going to get a decent El Niño! This was the second day of heavy rain and I delighted in keeping my studio windows open to hear all of that rolling thunder!

I love how cozy and inviting the studio is in the midst of all that rain!

It always amazes me how the rain makes everything look different!

The beginning of a new week…. and although I made some major headway in working out the image I’m going to be doing for a commission, I was not able to start work on it as my client and I still need to decide on the appropriate scale. I couldn’t let the day pass without    using my paintbrush so I painted this little 4×4″ oil of a Western Bluebird which is destined for the painting tree at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery. I wonder if I can whip up some more tomorrow – or should I do teacups? Hope they’ll dry in time for the exchange this weekend!