Kevin Kasik – Myriad of Moods

Kevin Kasik is Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s Featured Artist for October and his opening reception for his show “Myriad of Moods” was today – I had to go as I have some skin in the game!

Kevin Kasik - Parade Colors - Opening Reception


I love Kevin Kasik’s oil paintings!  His works appear to very soft and subdued until you get up close and discover the rich riot of color and texture in the paint. His subject matter ranges from traditional landscapes, still-lifes and portraits to more contemporary subjects from street life, often imbuing the work with his own quirky sense of humor. When he asked me for a hand with his postcard in trade for a painting it was too easy to say you bet! I want to choose after his exhibition is over though – a sale is a sale after-all!

Kevin Kasik - Camper Vans

Camper Vans

You can’t feel uptight around Kevin – He’s out to enjoy himself  and hopes that you will too!

Kevin Kasik - Practice Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Kevin Kasik - Opening  Reception


Paintings were  being scooped up really fast!

Kevin Kasik - Sail Boats

Blue Boats


Kevin Kasik - Bird

Stunned Bird

As much as I love landscapes and seascapes and yes, birds, my very favorites were these cast-off street sofas , contemporary Vuillards! Maybe I’ll get lucky!

Kevin Kasik - Streetside Sofa

Sidewalk Sofa


Kevin Kasik - Abondoned Chairs

Sidewalk Tango


Kevin Kasik - Craigslist


Kevin Kasik - LGMG October Featured Artist

Parade  Colors

The show runs all of October with a Closing Reception, Thursday, October 30, 4-8 pm.