
Grand opening reception – PAL

The seismic retrofit has been completed for several months but the Pacific Art League had it’s Grand Opening Reception last night, entry fees going to support arts education!

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Marie Cameron

Wherever the architects and engineers were able to retain any of this historic building’s 1921 charm I was pleased, wherever they lost hardwood floors or gallery walls uninterrupted by electrical thingamabobs  I was saddened.And while there was lots of room for more lighting improvements, all in all, I’m grateful that it will hold up better in an earthquake.

There were awards, but I didn’t catch all of them as I could barely squeeze in the overflowing galleries when they were being announced.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - standing room only 1

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - 2

Mark Nardini, fabulous portrait painter (who took a crack at your truly at an LGAA demo) and PAL instructor won first place for his stunning oil, Conversation.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Mark Nardini, Conversation, Oil

Deborah Maufer took second place for her photograph on metal, Mission Statement.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Deborah Maufer, Mission Statement, Photography (metal print)

Many honorable mentions included Linda Reichert’s oil Palo Alto Pond,

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Linda Reichert, Palo Alto Pond, Oil

Gerri Russel’s mixed media Remembering,

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Gerri Russel, Remembering, Mixed Media

and Patricia Jones oil, Windy Day.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Patricia Jones, Windy Day, Oil

I was also happy to know David Stonesifers’ oil, Appel Orchars, Corralitos,

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - David Stonesifer, Appel Orchars, Corralitos, Oil

Robin Apple‘s photograph, Pink Horse,

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Robin Apple, Pink Horse, Photography

Isaias Sandoal’s acrylic Infinity and Beyond,

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Isaias Sandoval , infinity and Beyond, Acrylic

As well as Ron Dell’Aquil’s photograph,Touch me Here which sold to a lovely couple from Switzerland,

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Ron Dell'Aquila - Touch me Here - Photography

And Lauren Herzog Shwartz’s mixesd media piece, Exhuberance.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Lauren Herzog Schwartz, Exhuberance, Mixed Media

Mei-Ying Dell’Aquila (pictured below in a grouping of artists and artist’s model)  also had a beautiful algegorical oil paintiing in which I somehow missed shooting.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Artists and Models

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - viewing Nancy Wong's Peonies Acrylic

Viewing Nancy Wong’s Peonies in acrylic.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Feathers and model sans wings

Feathers and model sans wings.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - Jim Caldwell, Umbrian Fog, Oil

Umbrian Fog, an expansive oil painting by Jim Caldwell.

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - 4

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - 5

PAL Grand Opening Reception 9:14 - at night

The newly remodeled building at night.


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