It’s great to take part in the community art scene! Sunday was one of those unbearably beautiful fall days of bright blue skies and amber-red leaves and I made it to the opening reception of the Los Gatos Art Association Fall 2012 Juried Show at the Addison- Penzak Jewish Community Center with platter full of torrone in hand. Juror John Agg, executive director of the Art Museum of Los Gatos welcomed the rowdy crowd with pronouncements on the fine quality of the art before the awards were announced – my award was that both Imprint and Last Stand had been included in the exhibition in the largest category of oil. I got to meet lots of new faces and see some really outstanding work!

Juror John Agg addressing the crowd before the presentation of awards.

Me with my painting Last Stand at the LGAA Fall 2012 Juried Members Show

With Rebecca Lillis White and her painting Grey Boat, Moss Landing (below)

With Imprint (it’s so hard to shoot oils!).

Karen White with her painting North Coast Cloudshower.

Karen White’s painting Uptown Market. See more at

Photographer Ron Dell’Aquila with Shop Girl 1

Ron Dell’Aquila’s photograph Shop Girl 2. Check out his website,

Mei-Ying Dell’Aquila with her painting Strength Through Tribulation –

Thalia Stratton’s painting Montgomery and Washington –

Nancy Cheadle with her paintings Antique Pitcher and Cherries –

Grace Tang with her painting Skyline.