
Priming for the Future


I just finished all my book keeping for my taxes …. I might as well crocheted the entire annual report for as much time as it took me!

Now I feel like I need to sink my teeth into a BIG painting (or 4)! Today I primed 4 64 x 64″ canvases…that’s 16,384 square inches of gesso (not including the edges or multiple coats)! I find doing this work is very therapeutic – you can clearly see the progress you’re making, laying down this foundation for your future painting. It is an act of optimism, full of potential and hope!

Preparing the canvases in the studio 2 - Marie Cameron 2015


Preparing the canvases in the studio  4- Marie cameron 2015


Preparing the canvases in the studio  3- Marie cameron 2015


Preparing the canvases in the studio - Marie cameron 2015

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