
Seaweed Inspection

Over the holidays I wanted to go tide pooling to see if I could find any of the Hopkins’ Rose Nudibranchs that had been sighted along the coast …. sadly I picked a day when the low tides were both before sunrise and after sunset. Oh well, any day at the shore is a good day!

Shark's Tooth Cove - Key Hole - Marie Cameron 2015

One of my favorite spots is Shark’s Tooth Cove, in Davenport. It’s so secluded and has dramatic vistas like this keyhole view.

Shark's Tooth Cove Splash- Marie Cameron 2015

Due to the king tides and winter storms there was more seaweed piled up in the beach than normal for this cove. I decided to take a look.

Shark's Tooth Cove - Marie Cameron Inspecting Seaweed  1 - OP 2015

Shark's Tooth Cove - Marie Cameron Inspecting Seaweed  2 - OP 2015

Shark's Tooth Cove - Seaweed  1 - Marie Cameron 2015

There was such a variety of seaweed, but it’s a lot more fun to look at when it’s suspended in small pools and undulating with the waves like a feather boa rather than lying lifeless on the beach.

Shark's Tooth Cove - Ravens in the Seaweed - Marie Cameron 2015

I wasn’t the only one pawing through the seaweed…a pair of ravens that nest in the cliffs were checking it out for any hidden snacks.

Shark's Tooth Cove - Marie Cameron with Gull - OP 2015

I decided that the seaweed not only passed inspection but exquisitely matched my lovely silk jacket that was a special Christmas gift from a very dear friend (thank you CAC)!  What a day away at the ocean can’t do for your spirit even without the nudibranchs!

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