All Work and No Play…

Yes, all work and no play makes my eyes fall out of my head.  An antidote to obsessive detail work is the great outdoors! So while my abalone painting may not be conforming to my dreamed up schedule, my body and soul is much happier with a well deserved break!

Point Alones Abalone detail  Marie Cameron 5-7-14


Sea Arch at Natural Bridges - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Sea Kelp Nymps, photo Marie Cameron 2014



Great America Swings - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Redwood Trees, Sanborn Park - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Sanborn Park - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Banana Slug - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Hungry Koi - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Red Lanterns, China Town - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Cascading Flowers at Natural Bridges - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Natural Bridges Seagulls - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Beach Drawing, Santa Cruz - photo Marie Cameron 2014


Alones Point Abalone in progress - Marie Cameron 5-9-14


All of that enthusiasm for life goes unseen into a painting like this but it’s what carries you through it!