
Reception Tonight!

Come join me at the reception for Scapes tonight at the Pacific Art League where my painting, Christy Anne’s Lace will officially be awarded honorable mention!  Oh yes  – the rumor about wine and brownies is true!   See you tonight  5:30 – 8:00 pm!

For a special invitation go to

Queen Anne's Lace Pendant  photo by Marie Cameron 2012

  1. The night, one of many such occasions, has arrived—You have arrived. So nice to receive accolades for your FINE ART.

    A career that has spanned 2 decades plus will stand the test of time & awards will be given, talent affirmed, not greater than your own unconceited self-satisfaction with each & every completed canvas. Enjoy the lauding.

  2. With you completely, utterly in SPIRIT. Be pleased, happy, even thrilled at SCAPES & the presentations.

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