
Champagne Receptions Snaps

Lots lots of lovely people at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery’s champagne reception yesterday, including Carol Ann Graves, one of my favorite art patrons! You’d hardly know that the huge Saratoga Rotary Art Show was going on just down the way. I guess there are enough art lovers to go around. Not only that but it was Cinco de Mayo and the Sharks were playing the Canucks on home ice so we did really well in terms of turn out, not that you’re going to see that in my pictures – my crowd shots were full of backs and bags!

Full Bloom 2010 oil on canvas 24" x 24"Artist Marie Cameron and patron of the arts Carol Ann Graves 

Marin Hills 2010 oIl on canvas Marie Cameron

My paintings Full Bloom and Marin Hills, above, are on exhibit at the gallery for the next few months. I’ll be showing the rest of my oeuvre in Open Studios on the 18 & 19.

Artists Nancy deWeess, Deborah Gabris & Marie Cameron - LGMG

To check out Deborah’s sculptures click on the photo for her website.

I love this – it turns out long time member watercolorist Nancy deWees, new member sculptor Deborah Gabris and l all live on the same street!

Artists Jeanette Turkus & Kee

To visit Jeanette Turkus’s website click on the photo.

Member artist Jeanette Trurkus in front of her collaged painting with interior designer and artist Kee Jin who I just met the Los Gatos Art Association’s Spring Show where she was awarded honorable mention for her delicate drawing of an interior.

Artist Tom Yacoe

Tom Yacoe is another welcome new member to our gallery, I love the immediacy and freshness of his paintings, how he captures a seascape with minimal, confident brushstrokes.

  1. kee jin says:

    Hi Marie,

    Thanks for the photo. I like your blog page, and it is a nice way to keep in touch with people.

    It was so nice see you again at the gallery reception. I am also planning to visit your open studio.

    See you then.


  2. Jon Archibald says:

    Marin Hills a favourite. Wyeth-ian, the one with the girl in the field looking up the hill to the house; that one.

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