
Triton Salon 2017 – Artists & Art

The Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara, California held their huge reception on Sunday for their annual Salon, a statewide 2D art competition and exhibition (November 11, 2017 – February 04, 2018). Juried this year by Cherri Lakey and Brian Eder, co-owners of Anno Domini Gallery in San Jose, there was just too much exceptional work to cover in a single post so I thought I would just feature some of the artists that I managed to catch with their work and put together another post later on. Congratulations to everyone on being selected for this great show! I’ve tried to link artist’s websites to their name which you can click on if you are interested in seeing more of their work.

Gabriel Coke    Hannah and Scarlett in the Studio with Me    Oil on Linen ( Honorable Mention)

Lorraine Lawson    Orient Express     mixed media on canvas

Maura Carta   Sri    oil on wood

Dotti Cichon    Ancient Memories of Metamorphosis    copper leaf, patina on found fabric

Kaaren Marquez    Shuttered but Not Forgotten    watercolor

David Stonesifer    Saratoga Orchard    oil on canvas panel

Mei-Ying Dell’Aquila    Liberty Prometheus Inception   oil on canvas

Jenifer J. Renzel     Moon Gods    mixed media acrylic

Hadi Aghaee     The Lingering Somber Thoughts    oil, mixed media

Deepali Kapatkar    Story of the Warriors     pastel on paper

Avery Palmer    The Outing    oil on masonite

Diane Warner-Wang    English Breakfast    oil on canvas panel

Beichen Li     Outside Light    acrylic on canvas

Carol Ramos    Just Joey    watercolor on paper

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