Blooming Deadwood at Iwasawa Oriental Art

I am very honored to be exhibiting Blooming Deadwood at Kumiko Iwasawa Vadas’ gorgeous gallery, Iwasawa Oriental Art in downtown Los Gatos where Every objet d’art is carefully selected for not only it’s craftsmanship but how it artfully reflects the season and relates to its neighbor! Thanks to Lorraine Lawson, David and Kumiko for your help with the install!






Happy artist and gallerist.

You can take the girl out of the valley, but you can’t take the valley out of the girl! I grew up in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia with it’s orchards flanked by basalt mountains and now I find myself in the Santa Clara Valley, formerly known as Valley of Hearts Delight, famous for its orchards and now more commonly referred to as Silicon Valley. I adore how my painting, Blooming Deadwood, has been paired with Ken Matsumoto’s stunning Floating Usu, carved out of basalt!

I love the relationship pieces have with each other at Iwasawa Oriental Art, especially this Meiji period vase and bird with Blooming Deadwood as a backdrop, can you feel spring coming? I am told their will be cherry blossoms in a few weeks!

Galaxy by Hiroko Ohno, pigment and acrylic on paper mounted on wood panel.

Giclée of Tokyo Waterfall by Hiroko Ohno.

Also, Iwasawa Oriental Art will be conducting their first calligraphy class of 2018 with Kihachiro Nishiura January, 11th e-mail or contact them at (408) 395-2339 to reserve a spot.

Fade – Reception

I had such a wonderful time at my Fade reception at Vargas Gallery last night!  I was told that it was the best attended solo show in the history of Vargas Gallery (since 1986)! A BIG THANKS to everyone who came out – artists, friends, curators, students, collectors and faculty! I feel very honored to show in this space and to have such a great community come out and support me! A special thanks to Lynne Todaro for inviting me to exhibit this work which spans a decade, to my collectors who lent back some key pieces for this show and to Ashley for her help with the install and staffing the show! All the albino deer cookies were snapped up and three more paintings were sold!

An albino deer cookie and it’s inspiration, Bed of Ghosts.

With George Rivera (Artist, Instructor, Curator),  Kristin Lindseth-Rivera (Sculptor, Instructor), Marianne McGrath ( NUMU Curator) and Lynn Todaro (Sculptor, Instructor, Director)

With Tamera Avery (Painter), Kathryn Arnold (Painter), Rozanne Hermelyn Di Silvestro (Painter, Graphic Designer), Karen Gutfreund (Artist, Curator) Susan Kraft (Painter) and Hadi Aghaee (Painter) to mention a few.

I love it when people take a pic with a painting, it is such a compliment! This student had an interesting take on the deer in the nest feelings like birds eggs – such a great fragility association!

Tamera Avery & Kathryn Arnold at the Fade Reception – Vargas Gallery.
I know both of these wonderful artists through the Triton Museum of Art. Tammy has two fabulous figurative paintings in the Salon currently, one (which I’m personally in love with) took first in painting! Kathryn had a stunning solo show, monumental assemblages of abstract painting on sheaves of paper inspired by specific selections of poetry and prose as I remember….how great to see and gab with you both!

Loved seeing my collectors David and Carol Ann!

My dear friend (and collector) Judy who has to be one of my biggest supporters!

Hadi was sweet to help me carry in my albino deer cookies!

Suki Ma has one of my Bird and Teacup paintings and kindly shared the reception with her Art Experience group!

Show continues at Vargas Gallery in the Gillmor Center of Mission College through to the 14th!




Fade Reception Date


Director Lynne Todaro and I settled on a date for my Fade reception at Vargas Gallery, Wednesday, December 6 from 4-7 pm. Perfect timing for students, between classes and between holidays. I’m delighted to hear that the show, which began Nov 8, has been getting a great response and I am looking forward to entertaining visitors at the reception! I hope you can join me if you are in the area!!!

These are some of the “artist with her work” shots taken at the exhibit to come up with a show promotion…

Such a lovely space! Vargas Gallery is located in the Gillmor Center in the middle of the Mission College Campus. Gallery hours are Monday  & Wednesday 11 am – 2 pm and Thursday 3:30 -6:30 pm.


Installing Fade my Solo Show at Vargas Gallery

I was so delighted to throw together a last minute solo show for Vargas Gallery at Mission College! I’m calling it Fade – it’s a collection of my Fade to White work, exploring albinism and leucism in our flora and fauna, laced with larger pieces I’ve done over the years that touch on themes of vulnerability and tenacity, beauty and mystery.

The show will run November 9 – December 14 (Reception TBA) Thanks to Director Lynne Todaro for the opportunity and to Ashley at the gallery for her help setting up!