Chrysanthemums – Adorn

While I briefly wore the chrysanthemum crown myself, I really had intended it for my favorite model. It’s SO much better on her!  I love photography but I also like to use photos like these as reference for future paintings, when my chrysanthemums are no longer in bloom. Here are some of the ones I like the most from the shoot:

I adore how the chrysanthemum petals create a fringe-like shadow, echoing her eyelashes!  This flower in Victorian language of flowers can mean wealth and abundance, cheerfulness, and a wonderful friend.

Crown of Chrysanthemums

The chrysanthemum season has come to a close. I decided to forgo the last of the season bouquet in favor of whipping up a chrysanthemum wreath in the last bits of sun before the oncoming rain. The mums are a long lived cut flower but their life fashioned into a crown brief but glorious!



Crowned – Queen Mum!