The thing about showing your art is that you need to shlep it around a bit but I’m up for it!
Shell Grave is just too large for my Prius so instead of making other arrangements, I decided to walk it down to the Los Gatos Museums Gallery where it will hang for the next three months. We both got a little air and exercise and I’m sure we made a pretty picture too. Hey, where is a photographer when you need one! There will be a holiday reception for this show Thursday, November 29 from 6-8:30 pm.
Imprint and Last Stand were handed off to a gauntlet of very capable Los Gatos Art Association volunteers for installation in the LGAA Fall 2012 Juried Members Show which will run until December 1 at the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center in Los Gatos. There will be a reception Sunday, November 4 from 1-3 pm.

Yao-pi Hsu brings in her captivating photograph of chairs, Celebration. See more of her work at