Shlepping Art Around Town

The thing about showing your art is that you need to shlep it around a bit but I’m up for it!

Shell Grave is just too large for my Prius so instead of making other arrangements,  I decided to walk it down to the Los Gatos Museums Gallery where it will hang for the next three months. We both got a little air and exercise and I’m sure we made a pretty picture too. Hey, where is a photographer when you need one! There will be a holiday reception for this show Thursday, November 29 from 6-8:30 pm.

Imprint and Last Stand were handed off to a gauntlet of very capable  Los Gatos Art Association volunteers for installation in the  LGAA Fall 2012 Juried Members Show which will run until December 1 at the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center in Los Gatos.  There will be a reception Sunday, November 4 from 1-3 pm.

Marie Cameron brings Shell Grave to LGMG 2012

Didn’t even break a sweat carrying my painting Shell Grave across town!

October Intake at LGMG 2012

Last exhibitions’ works are signed out and new ones brought in.

Busy Art Intake LGMG 2012

Artists schedule volunteer days.

Art Intake Day Hang tags LGMG 2012

Artists fill out and apply hang tags for artworks.

Yao-pi Hsu brings her photograph of chairs in to LGMG 2012

Yao-pi Hsu brings in her captivating photograph of chairs, Celebration. See more of her work at

Marie Cameron brings Imrpint & Last Stand to JCC 2012

Here I am at the JCC with Imprint & Last Stand for the LGAA Fall 2012 Juried Members Show.


Imprint & Last Stand Juried Into Show

Today I was informed that my paintings Imprint and Last Stand were selected by John Agg, Executive Director of the Los Gatos Museum of Art for the Los Gatos Art Association Fall 2012 Members Juried Show! It’s always interesting to see which of the submitted pieces are chosen, and it’s nice to have both a figure and a landscape representing my work. The show will be held at the Jewish Community Center at 14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos, CA  from November 4 – December 2. An opening reception will be held Sunday November 4 from 1 – 4 pm.

Marie Cameron Last Stand 2011 oil on canvas

Marie Cameron’s Last Stand was one of two paintings juried into the LGAA Fall 2012 Members Show.

Marie Cameron Imprint 1997 oil on board  Private Collection

Marie Cameron’s Imprint was one of two paintings juried into the LGAA Fall 2012 Members Show.