Two’s Company!

You know, it’s always sweeter to be juried into a show by an artist whose work you think is simply fabulous and I just heard that not one, but two, of my portraits (Forte Pink and Dahlia Days) were selected by Gordon Smedt for the Los Gatos Art Association’s Fall Members Show! We really lucked out when he agreed to do it!

Two's Company - Forte Pink and Dahlia Days - Marie Cameron

I actually met Gordon Smedt last fall at the Eco Feast at Love Apple Farms in support of the Museums of Los Gatos. As serendipity would have it, the artists ended up sitting next to each other and got to talk studios!

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm  - Marie Cameron 2013

I’ve been happy to check out Gordon’s webiste from time to time to see what’s new and I’ve been excited to see him represented downtown at JCO’s which is a great place to feature his large, colorful, pop-icon driven imagery. Did you you know the romance novelist, Danielle Steel is one of his patrons?  I understand she’s a fan of his super-sized cast-off condom wrapper painting!  I adore his work – it’s colorful and playful, the scale is fantastic (big, big, big!) and I love how he handles paint!

Gordon Smedt's Bathing Suits

Vintage bathing suits paintings by Los Gatos artist Gordon Smedt at JCO’s Happy Show.

Eco-Feasting for Los Gatos Museums

Cynthia Sandberg, proprietor of Love Apple Farms hosted a fabulous Eco-Feast benefitting the Museums of Los Gatos last night and I can only hope it will become an annual affair! This amazing biodynamic farm nestled in the Santa Cruz Mountains on a piece of terraced land (formerly developed for grapevines and run by the Smothers Brothers back in the eighties) is the kitchen garden for David Kinch’s Manresa (two star Michelin rating, and #5 on Bon Appétit’s 20 Most Important Restaurants in America). There are all kinds of courses you can sign up for and in the spring there’s a tomato plant sale (this is the place to go as she has some 100 varieties)! Love Apple is an early name for tomato when they were believed to be an aphrodisiac.

What a perfect setting for a fundraising dinner although there was a threat that we might be rained out (which is bizarre as it never rains here in the summer) but we all dug out our rain boots and umbrellas and drove through downpours and mist as the weather eventually cleared for a gloriously sunny evening.

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - long yellow peppers - quided tour with Cynthia Sandberg- Marie Cameron 2013

Cynthia Sandberg herself took us on a guided tour and invited us to nibble on the 6 different varieties of  zingy mustard greens, weed beds if we were up for it and feed the chickens with what wee pulled up and squish a few bad bugs.

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm -Katydid- Marie Cameron 2013

I didn’t squish this katydid – I don’t know why but I assumed it was looking for aphids (I guess I thought it was pretty like a ladybug) but they are related to grasshoppers and now that I look more closely, it was clearly going to town on these leaves.

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - touring the farm - Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm -bee boxes- Marie Cameron 2013            Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - dashing date- Marie Cameron 2013            Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Malabar Spinach- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - borage - Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Mirasol Peppers - Marie Cameron 2013              Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm lemonade, iced tea and rain drops - Marie Cameron 2013             Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - long yellow peppers - Thai Golden or Banana? - Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Litchi Tomato- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Tony and Audrey - Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Scarlet Runner Bean 2- Marie Cameron 2013             Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Scarlet Runner Bean- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Purple Peppers - Marie Cameron 2013             Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Pretty in Purple Peppers?- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Chicken Coop- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Autumn Beauty Sunflowers - Marie Cameron 2013

Autumn Beauty Sunflowers harolding the last official day of summer.

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm -Teddy Bear Sunflowers- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Sunflowers - Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - Sunflowers 2- Marie Cameron 2013

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - heavy sunflower heads - Marie Cameron 2013

These ones will soon be ready to harvest for more of those corn popsicles rolled in toasted coriander and sunflower seeds!

Eco Feast - Love Apple Farm - Kevan Smedt Trio- Marie Cameron 2013

Nothing like live music – this evening it was light jazz compliments of the Kevan Smedt Trio, so beautful to hear it floating over the gardens!

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - waiting for the dinner bell - Marie Cameron 2013

Chef Nick Difu of Nick’s Next Door and Chef Brenden Darby (soon to be working at Noma!) treated us to an exciting menu I kept lifting my plates up to get a better view of the surprising ingredients on the menu!

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm -menu- Marie Cameron 2013

Sweet corn popsicle with toasted coriander and sunflower seeds

Kalamata olive crisps with sea-salt cured tomatoes

Vichyssoise with crostini topped with vegetable tapenade and chive oil

Spicy sprouts with romesco sauce, purple carrot puree, and tomato topped with potato crisp and rosemary oil

Calamari salad with sautéed abalone and a basil butter

Chamomile and lemon herb tea chilled with a frozen cilantro ice cube

Duck confit over creamy polenta, french beans with almonds, finished with a port wine dry cherry reduction

Tequila marinated grilled fruit with toasted lemon

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - dinner - Marie Cameron 2013

At dinner my husband and I ended sitting next to artist Gordon Smedt, across from friends (and collectors of my work) and kitty corner to a writer of literary fiction who had been a fellow of the Montalvo Arts Center Lucas Artist Residency Program!

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm - raised beds - Marie Cameron 2013

Maybe I’ll make it back soon for one of their fabulous classes – advaced cheese making anyone?