Another brilliant day for Open Studios, in California’s Silicon Valley where there are droves of people who either make art, appreciate art or buy art, often all of the above! Oh yes, and nearly every day is reliably gorgeous! Sunday was warm and sunny and there was a steady stream of art lovers through my studio, over a hundred people for sure! I soon gave up my light attempt to paint and enjoyed my guests instead, a fantastic combination of artists, clients, neighbors and friends all dropping by to say hello or discover my work for the first time.
Luckily, all three of my studio angels, Judy, Ann and Mary were on hand to help out!
I was delighted that the brilliant portrait artist Cuong Nguyen dropped by with his beautiful friend, Kim. He’s such a pleasure to talk with and I always value his opinion (and adore his compliments)! I was happy to sign my first illustrated book, Buddhist Tales for each of them.
I was happy to welcome pastel artist Sam Pearson and his lovely wife Addie who I know through the Los Gatos Museums Gallery. It was fun to show them the pieces that don’t make it to the gallery either because they are being reserved for a solo exhibition or they are oversized or in my own personal collection.
We’re looking at my painting Stellae Maris, a tribute to my reverence for the sea.
Watercolorists Nancy deWeess and Julia Watson as well as mixed media artist Jeanette Turkus, all LGMG members as well, came out to support me too! Julia’s checking out my Florilegia series while I describe my process to art collector and Master Gardener, Lynn Richards and fabric designer Sandy Hovancik.
It’s hard to be host and photographer both, I’m thankful to everyone who stopped to be in a picture or to take one! Still, I missed the shot of the beautiful girl with hair as aqua as China Cove and Tony’s peach shirt and straw hat that sung of summer.
Yarn bomber, film and ice cream maker Marie Hetherington came by with her handmade artisinal rosewater and pistachio ice cream! Just divine, in fact, I need to devote an entire post just to that – stay tuned! Meanwhile notice the red dots on the wall!
Yes, lots of paintings found new homes this weekend, Lost Orchard, Last Stand, Mussel Shell I, Odessa’s Kitchen Floor ’50s , Odessa’s Kitchen Floor ’60s, Rose Mandala II, Tickle, Do It, and Speak as well all my copies of Buddhist Tales Thank you to everyone, I so appreciate your interest, and enthusiastic support!
I never did find time to get back to that painting!