
Fins, Feathers and Fur

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Marie Cameron 2015

One of the really nice things about the Fins, Feathers and Fur Exhibit at the Pacific Art League (besides the soulful art) is that many of the exhibiting artists have chosen to donate 10% from the sale of their work to the Peninsula Humane Society / SPCA!

Fins, Feathers and Fur - Voulnteers with the Peninsula Humane Society 2015

On hand at Friday night’s opening reception were two of their friendly volunteers and Swiss, a very cute and totally adoptable puppy! Here he is happily flaked out after so much adoring attention.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - Swiss - adoptable puppy Peninsula Humane Society 2015

This show was juried by Bradley Platz of Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco. He spoke at the reception but sadly before I had arrived.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - Blake McFarland, Cougar, Recyled tires...- photo Marie Cameron 2015

1st place was awarded to this striking sculpture, Cougar, made from recycled tires by Blake McFarland. The photo does not show how the great texture and personality in this work, for that, see the artist’s website – I’ve provided links on all the artist’s names where available.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - Maura Carta, Rabbit, Oil - photo Marie Cameron 2015

2nd place went to Maura Carta for her oil painting Rabbit.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Denise Howard, What is it? Colored pencil, 3rd place- photo Marie Cameron 2015

3rd place was awarded to Denise Howard for her flawless colored pencil drawing What Is It?.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Elaine Heron photography  - honorable mention for her Sled Dog Guarding her Pups in Greenland- photo Marie Cameron 2015

Honorable Mentions were awarded to Elaine Heron for her photograph, Sled Dog Guarding her Pups in Greenland.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - Honorable Mention - photo Marie Cameron 2015

This abstract drawing which I failed to get a name or title on.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL -  David Fleming, The Wayward Bus, Oil - photo Marie Cameron 2015

And to David Fleming’s oil painting, Wayward Bus.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Carol Rafferty, Two Cows, oil - photo Marie Cameron 2015

There were three artists from the Los Gatos Museums Gallery with work in this show, Carol Rafferty with her oil painting, Two Cows.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Ed Lucey, I See You, Oil - photo Marie Cameron 2015

Ed Lucey with his oil painting, I See You.

Strawberry Demitasse Trio - Marie Cameron -  Oil

And myself with my oil painting, Strawberry Demitasse Trio.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - Marie Cameron and Strawberry Demitasse Trio, photo 2 Denise Howard 2015

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - reception- photo Marie Cameron 2015

It was fascinating to see all the different takes on animals, from the realistically observational, the whimsical, the symbolic and the political / environmental.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Janice Wong, Spring Hill Way Series, Autumn, Oil - photo Marie Cameron 2015

Janice Wong’s oil painting, Spring Hill Way Series – Autumn.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Jean-Marc Brugeilles, The Stool and the Rabbit, Oil - photo Marie Cameron 2015

Jean-Marc Brugeilles’ oil painting, The Stool and the Rabbit.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Diana Lee, Guess What, Scatchboard - photo Marie Cameron 2015

Diana Lee‘s scratchboard drawing Guess What.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL -  John Haynes, Which Brush? Watercolor - photo Marie Cameron 2015

John Haynes watercolor painting, Which Brush?

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Skye Becker-Yamakawa and her BIg Cat paintings, Acylic- photo Marie Cameron 2015          Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL -Tulio Flores, Morph, Found Objects - photo Marie Cameron 2015            Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Jeffery Anthony Baylon, Bottled1 and 2, photo manipulations on metal prints - photo Marie Cameron 2015

Skye Becker-Yamakawa and her Big Cat acrylic paintings (left), Tulio Flores‘s found object sculpture, Morph (center) and Jeffery Anthony Baylon’s manipulated photographs on metal, Bottled 1 and 2 (right).

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - Jenefir Renzel, Walking Stick,  Assemblage - photo Marie Cameron 2015

Jenifer Renzel‘s assemblage, Walking Stick.

Fins, Feathers and Fur - PAL - photo Marie Cameron 2015


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