Plein Air in Los Gatos

Another fabulous Monday with the Los Gatos Art Association’s Plein Air Painters! This time we were painting on the home turf of artist David Stonesifer with it’s extensive gardens and gorgeous historic architecture.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Roof Top- photo Marie Cameron 2016


LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Cast Rooster on the Wall - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer : Arzie - Cast Rabbit in the Succulents - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Artichoke Fluff - photo Marie Cameron 2016            LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Fountain - photo Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Wheel Barrow - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - David Stonesifer Painting- photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Al Shamble - photo Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer :Azrie - Nancy Takaichi - Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Hershel Abelman- photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Rick Guidice - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie  Micheal Baggett and Bonnie Joy Sedlak - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Wall - photo Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Floral Niche - photo Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Urn - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer :Azrie - In the Garden- Marie Cameron 2016

I have been to several of David’s wonderful open studios in years past, so I was a little familiar with the grounds, enough to know that I wanted to make a bee-line for the bee boxes in the orchard!

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Bee Boxes- Marie Cameron 2016


This is the view I settled on as I liked the way the overlapping trees in the foreground led the eye into the focal area of the bee boxes on a beautiful diagonal.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Bee Box Orchard View- photo Marie Cameron 2016


After I set up my easel (still getting the hang of it – I feel like a cross between a brain surgeon and an acrobat) I sketched in my composition over what should have been a colored ground.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Keeping Bees in the Orchard (WIP)1 - Marie Cameron 2016


For me, I’m not keen on blocking in values as I’m afraid it will muddy the color. This time I chose a 16 x 20 inch canvas, hoping that the larger scale would keep my painting more free and gestural. I concentrated on anchoring the scene with the darkest shadows in purples and blues and dark greens. Working dark to light is usually the best way to go with oils! I also wanted to nail some of the subtle color that was being reflected into the usually cool shadows of the bee boxes by the intensity of the yellow flowers and green grass in that morning light before it changed.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Keeping Bees in the Orchard (WIP)2 - Marie Cameron 2016


It was a good start and I still consider this to be an underpainting that I would finish up later I had to break for lunch and a crit….

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Keeping Bees in the Orchard - oil on canvas 16 x12 inches - Marie Cameron 2016


Must say, I  looked a  lot like a mushroom in my sun hat, which I would have lost if there was any kind of breeze!

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Marie Cameron, with hat - photo Nancy Takaichi 2016


OK, that’s better…

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer - Arzie - Marie Cameron - photo Nancy Takaichi 2016


David Stonesifer and Larry Arzie generously hosted for a delicious lunch inside…

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Lunch - Marie Cameron 2016


…and outside on the terrace…

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Lunch - photo Marie Cameron 2016


….with the bunnies and clementines.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Lunch Bunny - Marie Cameron 2016


My bowl of fabulous homemade Spanish Stew with Chorizo from Lèon and Chicken Meatballs from Adelle’s was even garnished with a drifting quince petal.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Spanish Stew with drifting Quince Petal - Marie Cameron 2016


After lunch Will Maller ran a crit  so we could all learn from each other’s work.

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Deep in Thought  - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer - Arzie - Will Maller- photo Marie Cameron 2016


LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Sam Pearson - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Will Maller crit  for Annette Haines- photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - David Stonesifer - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Will Maller crit  for Hershel - photo Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Will Maller crit  for Nancy Takaichi- photo Marie Cameron 2016             LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Will Maller crit  for Rick Guidice - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer : Arzie - Hellen Yang, Rebecca White, Carole Rafferty, Kathy Kleinsteiber - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Rebecca White (painting) after Jeff Owen (sculpture) - photo Marie Cameron 2016                  LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer - Arzie - Lisha Wang - photo Marie Cameron 2016                 LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer -Arzie - Will Maller crit  for Kathy Carlquist - photo Marie Cameron 2016

LGAA - Plein Air Painters - Stonesifer - Arzie - Will Maller -crit - photo Marie Cameron 2016Really great critique…. I even got a little applause from Will for my painting – though maybe it was really for the bravery of coming out and working so ambitiously large for my second time out with the group (being a studio painter)!  I’m still kind of befuddled as the painting doesn’t feel finished to me.  Will said it should physically hurt when you’re pushing at the edges of your comfort zone and growing as a painter. I guess I’m growing then because I promised him I wouldn’t touch it (yes it’s hurting) and I would do a second, separate painting of the same subject if I had to work out the vision in my head! The challenge will be to find a balance of the freshness and spontaneity of this painting with the finesse and polish in my mind’s eye…. apparently a good place to start will be with a colored ground.

How fortunate I feel to be working with this great group of artists, in these spectacular locations with all this great advice and company!



HUGE turn out for the Los Gatos Art Association‘s Greater Bay Area Open juried exhibition held at the New Museums of Los Gatos on Saturday! Juror Peggi Kroll-Roberts chose 66 pieces for this regional show sponsored by the Los Gatos Art Association.

GBAO Reception at NUMU 2015- Mary Ellen Comport

Mary Ellen Comport, on behalf of the New Museums of Los Gatos spoke eloquently about the important intersection of art, history and community and the important roles that NUMU, LGAA and LGMG play in this endeavor. Afterwards LGAA’s Elke Groves and Jeff Owen, co-chairs of the event, announced the awards.

GBAO - Vincent Liu- Firefighter with Dogs - Oil - NUMU -2015

Vincent Liu was awarded best in show for his oil Fireman and Dogs.

GBAO - Maralyn Miller - Lavender and Gold - Oil - NUMU -2015

Maralyn Miller won first place for her oil, Lavender and Gold.

GBAO - Craig Sanborn - Deception of Indepence - charcaol, carbon, pastel - 2015

Craig Sanborn drew second place for his charcoal, carbon, pastel drawing,  Deception of Independence.

GBAO - Carol Bower - Kami - soft pastel - 2015

Carol Bower took third place for her soft pastel, Kami.

GBAO - Karen Olsen - French Pears - Watercolor - NUMU -2015

Karen Olsen was awarded an honorable mention for her water color, French Pears.

GBAO - Ron and Mei-Ying Dell'Aquila and his photographSpring Green and Yellow #3 - NUMU 2015

Ron Dell’Aquila captured an honorable mention for his photograph, Spring Green and Yellow #3.

GBAO Reception at NUMU 2015

Wayne Adachi won an honorable mention for his painting, Bangkok Street Food #2 ( in the middle).

GBAO - David Massey - The Climb - watercolor - 2015

David Massey won an honorable mention for his watercolor, The Climb.

GBAO - Ellen Howard - Serve them Up! oil NUMU 2015

Ellen Howard received an Honorable Mention for her oil, Serve them Up!

GBAO - Carol Collins - Join the Pink Warriors - Digital Photography Composite - NUMU - 2015

Carol Collins with her intriguing digital photography composite, Join the Pink Warriors delves into her personal battle with cancer.

GBAO - Kim Newell - Sophia- Oil- NUMU -2015

Kim Newell and her oil, Sophia.

GBAO - Rebex Nie - Magnolia II - Acrylic - NUMU -2015               GBAO - Kerrie Brandau - George - oil -  2015              GBAO - <a href=

Rebex Nie with her acrylic Magnolias II, Kerrie Brandau with her oil, George and Joan Drennan with her oil, Cherry Chevy.

GBAO - Donna Orme -Wake Up - Acrylic - NUMU -2015

Donna Orme with her acrylic, Wake Up.

GBAO - Nancy Takaichi - First Snow - oil - 2015

Nancy Takaichi with her oil, First Snow.

GBAO - Elwira Barbara Maszara - Trufle - watercolor - 2015

Elwira Barbara Maszara and her watercolor Trufle.

GBAO - Scott L Holtslander - Merced River at Sentinel Rock - Photography - 2015           GBAO - Veronica Gross - Painters at Moran Lake Park  Watercolor - 2015          GBAO - Marie Cameron - Forget-me-not Tea II- Oil - NUMU -2015

Scott L Holtslander with his photograph, Merced River at Sentinel Rock, Veronica Gross with her watercolor, Painters at Moran Lake Park and me with my oil, Forget-me-not Tea II.

GBAO - Al Shamble - Pirates Cove, Plein Air - oil - 2015

Al Shamble with his oil, Pirates Cove, Plein Air.

GBAO - Anita Hittle - Molly - Oil - NUMU -2015

Anita Hittle with her oil, Molly.

GBAO Reception at NUMU 2015

GBAO - Reception at NUMU

GBAO Reception - NUMU 2015

GBAO  Reception - NUMU 2015

GBAO Reception - NUMU 2015

GBAO Reception at NUMU 2015

GBAO - Kim Newell at NUMU- 2015

The exhibition runs through to the end of August.

Le Petit Trianon Theater

Le Petit Trianon Theater and Palms - Marie Cameron 2015I had the pleasure of dropping off two of my Cherry Blossom paintings today at Le Petit Trianon Theater in San Jose for a show juried by the Los Gatos Art Association.  The Trianon is such a pretty place! Built as a church in 1923, it’s now an intimate performing arts venue with great acoustics. Recently they have been opening their doors to poetry and visual art as well.

Le Petit Trianon is located a half a block north of San Jose City Hall, at 72 North Fifth Street.

The  LGAA exhibition will run April 25 -July 24 with a courtyard reception May 24, 3-5 pm.


Le Petit Trianon Theater Facade - Marie Cameron 2015

Cherry Blossoms at Le Petit Trianon  - Marie Cameron 2015

Foyer Chandelier, Le Petit Trianon Theater Marie Cameron 2015

Lobby, Le Petit Trianon Theater - Marie Cameron 2015

Chadelier Le Petit Trianon Theater - Marie Cameron 2015

Wood Work, Le Petit Trianon Theater

LGAA - LPT - Marie Cameron 2015

I just eat up all those period flourishes, like the detailed woodwork and showy chandeliers but what I enjoyed even more was remembering my daughter’s piano recitals that were held here!


Sweet Success!

I am so honored to be named Artist of the Year by the Los Gatos Art Association!

LGAA Holiday Party 2014  ARTIST OF THE YEAR

Here I am with awards chair, Vernon Dittenber, receiving my pretty blue ribbon. Playing in the background is a slide show of the history of the association which began in 1948.


LGAA Holiday Party 2014 - Rebecca Lillis White

While it’s a lovely award, I know that one vote more and I would have been sharing this honor with Rebecca Lillis White – who on the basis of modeling her self-portrait apron alone should have secured her the title!

Truth is, there are so many artists in our community that volunteer their time and talent to make a warm, supportive and inspirational environment for us to share our work and passion. I can easily pick out Artists of the Year by the dozen!  That’s the real sweet success – belonging to a vibrant and caring arts community!

Cookies compliments of Betty McGuire who made them especially for our holiday party!


LGAA Holiday Party 2014 - Betty's Palette Cookies


Two’s Company!

You know, it’s always sweeter to be juried into a show by an artist whose work you think is simply fabulous and I just heard that not one, but two, of my portraits (Forte Pink and Dahlia Days) were selected by Gordon Smedt for the Los Gatos Art Association’s Fall Members Show! We really lucked out when he agreed to do it!

Two's Company - Forte Pink and Dahlia Days - Marie Cameron

I actually met Gordon Smedt last fall at the Eco Feast at Love Apple Farms in support of the Museums of Los Gatos. As serendipity would have it, the artists ended up sitting next to each other and got to talk studios!

Eco Feast at Love Apple Farm  - Marie Cameron 2013

I’ve been happy to check out Gordon’s webiste from time to time to see what’s new and I’ve been excited to see him represented downtown at JCO’s which is a great place to feature his large, colorful, pop-icon driven imagery. Did you you know the romance novelist, Danielle Steel is one of his patrons?  I understand she’s a fan of his super-sized cast-off condom wrapper painting!  I adore his work – it’s colorful and playful, the scale is fantastic (big, big, big!) and I love how he handles paint!

Gordon Smedt's Bathing Suits

Vintage bathing suits paintings by Los Gatos artist Gordon Smedt at JCO’s Happy Show.

Reception in the Council Chambers

I was pretty impressed with the turnout we had for the Los Gatos Art Association in the Council Chambers reception. Yes we missed the mayor, Steve Leonardis who had been scheduled to come but Christina Gilmore opened the reception on behalf of the town. Our President Maralyn Miller spoke on behalf of the LGAA and we were all delighted to have jurors Neal Boor and Patricia Sherwood in attendance as well! Here are a few shots of the event before my camera ran out of battery.

LGAA AICC Neal Boor, Marie Cameron, Patricia Sherwood 2014

Best seat in the house nestled in between our great jurors, Neal Boor and Patricia Sherwood!

LGAA AICC turnout 2014

Love a venue with comfy seating!

LGAA AICC 2014 Christina Gilmore

Christina Gilmore, Assistant to the Town Manager, opened the reception on behalf of the Town and Mayor Steven Leonardis.

LGAA AICC Tom Yacoe, Veronica Gross 2014

LGAA Artist Veronica Gross and her husband talking with Tom Yacoe who was there on behalf of the Art in the Council Chambers.

LGAA AICC 2014 Maralyn Miller, Neal Boor, Patricia Sherwood

Our President, Maralyn Miller chatting with Jurors Neal Boor and Patricia Sherwood.

LGAA AICC  2014  artists


LGAA AICC Shark Fin Cove 2014

Posing a moment with my oil painting, Shark Fin Cove.

LGAA AICC 2014 reception

Cookies and Fruit were lovely though I kind of missed the sweet and sour meatballs from the LGMG in the Council Chambers reception last fall!

Rebecca Lillis White Palo Alto Wetlands and Thuy Le

Rebecca Lillis white with her oil, Palo Alto Wetlands and Thuy Le.

Thuy Le and her oil City Night with Rebecca Lillis White

Thuy Le and her oil, City Night with Rebecca Lillis White.

LGAA AICC  2014  Laurie Barna - When She was Seventeen

Laurie Barna with her watercolor, When She was Seventeen, and her reference photo from 1942.






Hanging in the Council Chambers

If you want to live in a thriving arts community you have to step in and do your part.  That’s how I found myself coordinating the Los Gatos Art Association Council Chambers show.

LGAA - AICC Show 2014 Postcard

Nancy Takaichi Marte Thompson Diane Fujimoto
Maralyn Miller Patty Montgomery Rebecca Lillis White


The Art in the Council Chambers program, run jointly by the Town of Los Gatos and the Museums of Los Gatos hosts four exhibits per year. The Los Gatos Art Association will be showing there annually which is a fine way of saying that our local artists are important to the town. I had NO idea how much work co-ordinating a show (despite it’s size) actually entails!  Securing jurors, developing a prospectus, reviewing submissions to see that they met the requirements (nagging artists to provide all required information) before presenting them to the jurors, developing the postcard, designing the gallery tags (Tanya and Tom prepared them), developing an intake spread sheet, Creating an information sheet for the show about the Association and the Jurors, and lots and lots and lots of emails, newspaper pitches and social media hoop-la!  All this before the actual intake.

Tom Yacoe and Marie Cameron - Council Chambers

With Tom Yacoe filling in for the AICC and Tanya Yurgaitis and Laurie Barna from the LGAA, this went pretty smoothly (missing some postcards and one artist was a no show). The actually hanging went up quickly. It’s really quite a pleasure to arrange the work to achieve flow and balance, making sure pieces compliment each other instead of overwhelming each other.

Tanya, Marie and Laurie -hang team

Neal Boor and Patricia SherwoodNow I get to relax! the Town will be throwing a lovely reception Thursday, August 14 from 6-6:30 in which the mayor, Steven Leonardis and our LGAA president, Maralyn Miller will make a few remarks. Patricia Sherwood and Neal Boor who generously juried the show for us plan to come.  They are two outstanding artists and educators who have impressive careers and we were so lucky to have the benefit of their discerning eyes!

It may be a lot of work but it’s for the nicest bunch of people in a town that’s supporting it’s artists!

For more information on the show visit the Art in the Council Chambers webpage.

I’m so focused on the show itself, that I keep forgetting to mention that I do have two pieces in this show, Marin Hills and Shark Cove!

Marin Hills

Marin Hills

Shark Fin Cove

Shark Fin Cove


Other Side of the Easel

Modeling for artist Mark Nardnini LGAA 2014 photo by Jeff Owen

Well this was fun! Portrait artist Mark Nardini needed a volunteer from the audience to model for his classical painting technique demo for the Los Gatos Art Association’s March meeting. It’s been years since I’ve been on this side of the easel so I thought I’s give it a whirl (besides, they said I could take the painting home)!

LGAA 3/14 Mark Nardini Portrait Demo- photo by Jeff Owen

This classical technique involves a careful tonal underpainting that’s very thin (in this instance it’s raw umber on a neutral grey background). It’s important to get this aspect just right as it will save the artist from struggling with accurate color placement later on. When color is introduced it’s in a very deliberate way, patting the premixed colors delicately with a soft sable-like brush that will not lift off the previous applications like a bristle brush might. Close observation of the subject is essential in judging the warmth or coolness of a hue or the value of a tone. Mark likes to start with a mid-tone when he begins with color, evaluating all other choices based on it’s relationship to that first one.

Mark Nardini painting my portrait LGAA photo by Isaias Sandoval-Streufert

I was very impressed with what Mark was able to accomplish in such a short time, guiding us through his process and fielding questions from our members!  I won’t give up my day job for modeling, that’s for sure!

Mark Nardini Portrait Demo

Mark recommended the book, The Human Figure by John H Vanderpol.  The more familiar you are with the figure in general, the easier it will be to tackle portraits:

The Human Figure by John H. Vanderpoel

Be sure to check out his website, to see more gorgeous portraits like this one he that brought along with him:

Mark Nardini's Oil Painting


Studio visit with Veronica Gross

I love visiting artists in their working and living spaces! You can learn so much about what shapes their art from their environment. What’s in their personal collections?  What inspirational objects and materials do they have lying about? What are their hobbies, and passions – it’s all revealed!

Veronica and Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013


Artist Veronica Gross and Olive enjoying the winter sun on my recent studio visit. You can visit her website:

Sentinel Snow - Veronica Gross- watercolor- 20 x 14

Sentinel Snow  watercolor  20″ x 14″

Los Gatos artist Veronica Gross is known for her beautiful watercolor florals and landscapes. I know Veronica from the Los Gatos Museums Gallery and the Los Gatos Art Association, but she also belongs to the Viewpoints Gallery where her show, Westlands is currently on exhibit through January 5, 2014.

Veronica Gross - Watercolor 2

Mt. Carmel Evening  watercolor  20″ x  28″

Palo Alto Baylands 3 - Veronica Gross- Watercolor -14 x 20

Palo Alto Baylands #3  watercolor 14 x 20″

Veronica Gross -Watercolor

Just Picked  watercolor  20″ x  28″

Veronica Gross's watercolor of Sam Pearson Painting - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Above is a watercolor that Veronica is applying the final touches to. It’s a plein air painting of our friend Sam Pearson painting the Shoreline Bridge. I’m intrigued to see how his piece turned out too!

Shoreline Bridge - Sam Pearson - Pastel - 2013

Magic…. here it is, Sam Pearson’s gorgeous pastel, Water Under the  Bridge – Thanks Sam! It’s currently on exhibit at the Los Gatos Museums Gallery.

Veronica Gross Studio - photo Marie Cameron 2013

You can see in her studio how all those big windows not only let the light come in but nature too!

Veronica Gross - at the easel - photo Marie Cameron 2103             Veronica Gross - lesson plans- photo Marie Cameron 2013          Veronica and her sister glazing tiles Veronica and Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

I love how you can see lots of different projects Veronica has on the go, and see all those lesson plans from years of teaching high school hiding under the table? They’ve come in handy as weights!  Veronica’s sister, Jill Rowney is glazing  some of Veronica’s tiles for her own kitchen – oh the perks of being a sister!

Veronica Gross and her sister in the studio Veronica and Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Veronica Gross - brushes and sclupture - photo Marie Cameron 2013                         Veronica Gross - studio clutter - photo Marie Cameron 2013

One can usually find lots of treasure in studio clutter. In this case, it’s a ceramic figure done as a demonstration for Veronica’s high school students by Randy Shiroma who was doing some student teaching in her classroom many years ago.

Upon visiting her home and her studio I find, as with so many artists, that she’s no one trick watercolor pony!

For instance, she has this great kiln and I was taken with the series of tiles she was making which are based on her love of California natives (as is her landscaping).

Veronica's glazed tiles ready for firing - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Here are some of the tiles glazed and ready for the kiln.  If you haven’t glazed before, the heat of the firing brings out the color in the glaze and sets the desired finish. I’m partial to the lupines!

Veronica Gross - Tiles, Brushes and Glaze - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Veronica Gross - Floral Tiles - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Here you can see the color after firing.

Lupine Tile by Veronica Gross - photo Marie Cameron 2013  .Veronica Gross - Floral Tile backsplash - photo Marie Cameron 2013California Landscape tile by Veronica Gross - photo by Marie Cameron 2013

Here are some samples of finished tiles set into Veronica’s backsplash. So lovely, they remind me of the arts crafts movement of the 20’s Don’t go looking for these in galleries or Etsy though!  Veronica has no plans of mass production. When I ‘d asked her about it she confessed, “I can’t stand the feel of clay on my hands!” – too funny!  I mean, you won’t cathc me warking with charcoal or pastels for the same reason! What about licensing deals? Well, we’ll have to twist her arm!

Veronica Gross- inspiration board - photo Marie Cameron 2103            Veronica Gross- lobotomy victim 1- photo Marie Cameron 2013           Veronica Gross - Inherited Deer - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Balloon Girl, Mr Bonz, Mid-Century Bambi – they all speak to a love of color, form and careful observation.

Veronica Gross and Olive in the Studio - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Veronica Gross - in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

With a fence like that you can tell that an artist lives here!

Veronica's Karen Van Galder statue            Veronica in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013            Veronica's willow chair

The garden is also filled with Veronica’s personality, A Karen Van Galder statue, a bent willow chair among the bamboo, her naturally weathered fence and wheelbarrow – it’a all her color palette, including her gorgeous calico!

Olive in the garden - photo Marie Cameron 2013

Olive is a fan of California natives as well and all the little critters that dwell therein.

Disclosure: I’m sure Veronica doesn’t normally lug Olive all over the studio but I woke her up from under the Christmas tree where she was curled up for a nap because I wanted her to be in the photo shoot – what a sweet trooper!


Spring Reception

We had our Los Gatos Art Association’s Spring Members Juried Show this afternoon at the Rose Shenson Gallery at the Triton Museum and I brought my signature Trader Joe’s meringues which looked like sea foam on my seascape skirt and matched my paintings, Cypress Crescent and Davenport Blue. These little things make me happy, and just as well as I’m the only one who notices!  Great to see the great group of artists in our association. Here are a few photos from the event.

Meringues and sea 2013

Meringues Cresting on the waves of my skirt.

LGAA Spring Show Marie Cameron 2013

My paintings Davenport Blue and Cypress Crescent were juried into the show.


LGAA Spring Show 2013, Rose Shenson Gallery

LGAA Spring Show 2013 at the Triton Museum of Art’s Rose Shenson Gallery.

LGAA President, Bonnie Rokas awarding Ed Lucey first place for his painting, Hear the Meadow Lark?

LGAA President, Bonnie Rokas awarding Ed Lucey first place for his painting, Hear the Meadow Lark?


Hear the Meadowlark? oil painting by Ed Lucey LGAA Spring Show 2013

Hear the Meadowlark? oil painting by Ed Lucey LGAA Spring Show 2013.  Click on image for his website.

Mei-Ying and Ron Dell'Aquila and her painting Self Portrait (Hoommage to Chuck Close) LGAA Spring Show 2013

This couple looks familiar! Mei-Ying and Ron Dell’Aquila and her painting Self Portrait (Homage to Chuck Close).  Click on image for her website.


Ron Dell'Aquila and his photographs at the LGAA Spring Show

Love Ron’s black and white photos from Alum Rock they look surreal!  Click on image for his website.

Artist Andy Ballantyne and  others at the LGAA Spring Show

Artist Andy Ballantyne adn others at the LGAA Spring Show.


San Jaun Batista oil painting by Andy Ballantyne - LGAA Sping Show 2013

I was really taken with Andy Ballantyne’s painting San Juan Bautista which placed second, I believe.  Click on image for his website.


Western Addition oil painting by Carole Rafferty LGAA Spring Show

Of course, I love anything Carole Rafferty paints! Her gorgeous Western Addition took third for oils.  Click on image for her website.



















Reception Today!

See you at the Artist’s Reception for the Los Gatos Art Association’s Spring Members Juried Show 12-3 this afternoon at the Rose Shenson Gallery at the Triton Museum of Art where I’m showing Cypress Crescent and Davenport Blue! — at Triton Museum of Art.

Triton's Sculpture Garden

Triton’s Sculpture Garden, the Rose Shenson Gallery is behind the camellias.

Davenport Blue and Cypress Crescent Juried into Show

Marie Cameron Davenport Blue 2012

Marie Cameron Davenport Blue 2012 oil on canvas 18″ x 24″





Marie Cameron Cypress Crescent 2013

Marie Cameron Cypress Crescent 2013 oil on canvas 24″x 24″


More Good News!

Davenport Blue and Cypress Crescent were both selected for the Los Gatos Art Associations Spring Member Juried Show by the award winning artist Mike Bailey who was the juror for the show.
The exhibition runs the month of April in the Rose Shenson Gallery at the Triton Museum of Art!

LGAA Fall Show 2012

It’s great to take part in the community art scene!  Sunday was one of those unbearably beautiful fall days of bright blue skies and amber-red leaves and I made it to the opening reception of the Los Gatos Art Association Fall 2012 Juried Show at the Addison- Penzak Jewish Community Center with platter full of torrone in hand. Juror John Agg, executive director of the Art Museum of Los Gatos welcomed the rowdy crowd with pronouncements on the fine quality of the art before the awards were announced – my award was that both Imprint and Last Stand had been included in the exhibition in the largest category of oil. I got to meet lots of new faces and see some really outstanding work!

John Agg- juror LGAA JCC 2012

Juror John Agg addressing the crowd before the presentation of awards.

Marie Cameron with Last Stand LGAA JCC 2012

Me with my painting Last Stand at the LGAA Fall 2012 Juried Members Show

Rebecca White - Grey Boat, Moss Landing and Marie Cameron LGAA JCC 2012

With Rebecca Lillis White and her painting Grey Boat, Moss Landing (below)

Marie Cameron with Imprint LGAA JCC 2012

With Imprint (it’s so hard to shoot oils!).

Karen White North Coast Cloudshower LGAA JCC 2012

Karen White with her painting North Coast Cloudshower.

Karen White - Uptown Market LGAA JCC 2012

Karen White’s painting Uptown Market.  See more at

Ron Dell'Aquila with Shop Girl 1 LGAA JCC 2012

Photographer Ron Dell’Aquila with Shop Girl 1

Ron Dell'Aquila Shop Girl 2 LGAA JCC 2012

Ron Dell’Aquila’s photograph Shop Girl 2.   Check out his website,

Mei-Ying Dell'Aquila - Strength Through Tribulation LGAA JCC 2012

Mei-Ying Dell’Aquila with her painting Strength Through Tribulation  –

Thalia Stratton -  Montgomery and Washington LGAA JCC 2012

Thalia Stratton’s painting Montgomery and Washington  –

Nancy Cheadle - Antique Pitcher & Cherries LGAA JCC 2012

Nancy Cheadle with her paintings Antique Pitcher and Cherries –

Grace Tang - Skyline LGAA JCC 2012

Grace Tang with her painting Skyline.